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Planning Board Minutes 05/03/2007
(603) 798-4350


MAY 3, 2007

PRESENT: Chairman Brad Towle, Tom Jameson, Richard Arell, Chris Weir, Joanna McIntosh, Richard DeBold, Stan Brehm, Fred Ruoff, New Member Richard Moore and Secretary Andrea Deachman.

Chairman Towle introduced the Board and welcomed new member Richard Moore, and requested that the Board review the minutes of April 5, 2007.

The following corrections were made to the minutes:

Add page numbers to all pages.

Page 3, Public Hearing, Jay Baas, motion to read: Motion was made to accept the plan with the removal of the wording “proposed”. Design Review, Mark Blasko first paragraph third line space after (NHDES) seventh line change “flush to” to “level with”

Motion was made to accept the minutes with the above corrections.

                McIntosh/DeBold                 (Passed)

Questions on Building fees and being based on assessor’s value is this what we really want and how is a home owner going to know what the value is, should we rethink this process? Concerns on reviews and that they just need to be on if the checklist is complete, reviewer comments need to be held to a minimum and addressed at Board meetings. The town has a piece of property on Towle Road consisting of 0.92 acres that someone has shown interest in purchasing. Town meeting vote states that the proposed sale must first be submitted to the Planning Board and Conservation Commission for recommendation. The Planning Board was in agreement that parcel should be made available for sale to the general public by sealed bid.  

Chairman Towle read the agenda and inquired if anyone was present that had not been announced. Jay Baas requested to be heard and stated that he had plans that needed to be signed, Chairman Towle informed Mr. Baas that he could do one of two things, he could leave the plans or he could remain and be heard during New Business on the agenda, Mr. Baas chose to wait until New Business at the end of the agenda.

PUBLIC HEARING: Dale Hallquist
        Home Occupation
        Marine repair, Inboard & Outboard Motors
        ATV & Snowmobile Repair
        Map 8, Lot 25, Bear Hill Road

Abutters present: Steve MacCleery, Russell MacCleery, Michelle & Jim Plunkett.

Mr. Hallquist presented to the Board a map of his property and explained where he would be conducting business. All repairs will be completed within the Carriage House as listed on the plan as a Barn. He tests larger boats on a lake and smaller engines he places in a container to test, he could do a muffler system to keep the noise down. He turns used oil over to environmental companies and has clean up mix for any spillage just like any garage would. The floor in the Carriage House is concrete and he will create a waste oil containment area and list it and the dumpster on the plan. He has a large turn around area on the property and plenty of parking. He may do some small auto repairs for immediate family but will not be an auto repair shop. He will be the only employee.

Abutters were concerned with noise, waste and the property becoming a junk yard. Mr. Hallquist assured the Board that he will do everything he can to not allow the noise level to get out of hand. The waste will be contained and properly removed and so will any unusable parts and motors. Chairman Towle informed the abutters that if it became an issue they could contact the Selectmen as they are the enforcers of the zoning.

The Board requested that the hours of operation be Monday thru Friday 8am to 5pm, Saturday 9am to 5pm and no hours on Sunday, Mr. Hallquist was in agreement with the Boards request.

Abutter Mrs. Hackney called and left a message with Secretary Deachman that her and her husband Bob could not make the meeting but did not have an issue with the proposed Home Occupation.

With concerns of abutters Chairman Towle suggested that the hearing be tabled to next month until waste oil issues could be discussed with State of New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services as to how to measure amount and when they require review & approval for sites.

Hearing tabled to June 7, 2007 to address abutters concerns.

DESIGN REVIEW/                          Brent Moses
PUBLIC HEARING:                         Lot Line Adjustment
                                                Map 2, Lot 57A & 57B, Horse Corner Road

Mr. Moses informed the Board that his Board of Adjustment Hearing has been continued until they are able to contact the town attorney for clarification specific RSA’s and zoning.

Continued to June 7, 2007

DESIGN REVIEW:  Hillcrest Campground
        Map 4, Lot 156, Dover Road

Abutters present: Joanne Luikmil and Bill Harris

David Jordan presented plans for the subdivision to remove 38 acres off the existing parcel for use of a self-storage facility. State of New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) driveway permit has been applied for. The following items need to be addressed, boundary survey, setbacks and contours, wetlands delineation, location of existing buildings, and locations of existing septic and well.

Design Review closed.

Motion was made to accept the application as complete.

        DeBold/Jameson          (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING: Hillcrest Campground
        Map 4, Lot 156, Dover Road

Abutters present: Joanne Luikmil and Bill Harris

Mr. Jordan presented the plans for the subdivision.

The Board again reviewed the plans and the following conditions need to be met:

1.)     Boundary Survey
2.)     Wetlands delineation and N.H. Soil Scientist stamp
3.)     Existing Building locations
4.)     Existing Septic and well locations
5.)     Existing percent of wetlands overall
6.)     Existing lot
7.)     Setbacks
8.)     State driveway permit

Motion was made to approve the subdivision with the above conditions:

        McIntosh/Arell          (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW:  Hillcrest Campground
        Site Review – Self Storage Facility
        U-Haul Rentals, Office and Residence
        Map 4, Lot 156, Dover Road

Abutters present: Joanne Luikmil and Bill Harris.

David Jordan presented plans for this project, the plans have changes since the last time they came before the Board at the discussion phase. There is now a separate house for the residence instead of an apartment, the buildings have been moved and outside storage space has changed.

Time of operation for the businesses will be 8am to 9pm.

There will be pavement around the buildings but not between the buildings to allow for storm water runoff. Treatment and drainage swales will also be on the property. The business will be gated about 300 feet back onto the property to allow plenty of room to pull off of the highway. U-Hauls will be parked along the side of the driveway. State Site Specific has been applied for as well as dredge and fill permits.

Design Review was closed.

Motion was made to accept the application as complete.

        Brehm/Ruoff             (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING: Hillcrest Campground
        Site Review – Self Storage Facility
        U-Haul Rentals, Office and Residence
        Map 4, Lot 156, Dover Road

Abutters present: Joanne Luikmil and Bill Harris.

The Board was in agreement that because of the scope of this project, where it is located and the amount of building area that the plans need to be reviewed by the town engineer, the secretary requested an escrow amount of $2,000.00. Mr. Jordan will drop off the plans and Secretary Deachman will inform Heidi Marshall at CLD (the town engineer) when the escrow has been received so she may begin her review.

Continued to June 7, 2007

DISCUSSION:     Peggy Barrar
        Home Occupation – Dog Care
        Map 3, Lot 19, Dover Road

Did not attend.

DISCUSSION:     Teresa Paradise
        Live & Let Live Farm
        Site Review – New Building – Arena
        Map 1, Lot 28, Paradise Lane

Ms. Paradise presented a plan to the Board. Questions and concerns about number of visitors and employees on the property. There were farm has over 200 volunteers who do most of the work. All items seem to have been addressed. Secretary Deachman will call if any issues arise. Design Review and Public Hearing set for June 7, 2007.

DISCUSSION:     Chichester Congregational Church
        Site Review – New Building,
        Parking and driveway
        Map 5, lot 2, Main Street

A member of the planning committee from the church came before the Board to explain that the  surveyor that completed the original perimeter survey in the 80’s was concerned that there had been growth, possible changes in roads and boundaries that might have changes to the original survey. The church has hired a new surveyor to complete a perimeter survey and as soon as that is complete plans will be submitted to the Board for signature and recording. As of May 3, 2007 no plans for this project have been delivered to the Board.

DISCUSSION:     Chris Stewart
        Site Review – Multi Use Development
        Map 4, Lot 165, Dover Road

Mr. Stewart and Mr. Voicier would like to create a multi use development on this lot. They are aware of the amount of existing wetlands and believe that they can accomplish this project within the setback and zoning requirements.

The project is within the Commercial Village District of the zoning, question on what was the minimum lot size and the response was there is no minimum they just need to meet the setbacks and all other requirements. Conditional use permits and incentives will be addressed in the Design Review stage of the process if they choose to continue.

The proposal is to have retail and possible office condo’s, small shops maybe even a bank. The applicant is considering a one lot subdivision to start the project and will complete the remainder of the proposal later on. Applicant will call when ready to continue.
New Business:

Jay Baas, Map 8, Lot 4, Lot Line Adjustment, annexation of land. Mr. Baas delivered the Mylar and paper copies of the lot line adjustment for the annexation of land given to him by the town at the March 2006 town meeting by warrant article vote. Chairman Towle signed a paper copy for Mr. Baas’ records and instructed Secretary Deachman to record the Mylar for the annexation as well as the site review approved in April 2007. Mr. Baas will be informed of the approval and the Merrimack County Registry recording numbers.

It has been brought to the attention of the Board that Map 4, Lot 159, Dover Road (the old Kosmos Pizza building that burned) has used vehicles for sale. Chairman Towle instructed Secretary Deachman to compile documents and forward on to the Selectmen with a memo stating that auto sales for this lot have not been approved by the Planning Board and specifically have not been allowed for this lot.

Motion was made to adjourn.

        Brehm/Ruoff                             (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 11:15pm.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Bradley Towle